From the Courts
Mayur R. Parekh
25 (1) Whether, the penalty of Rs. 4.00 lacs imposed and sustained against the applicant is wholly illegal and contrary to the provisions of Section 15-A(1)(o) of the U.P Trade Tax Act, 1948 ?
(2) Whether, the penalty imposed on the applicant under Section 15-A(1)(o) of the Act, 1948 is wholly perverse, arbitrary and excessive?
Held : Yes
The present revision has been filed against the order dated 7.11.2008 passed by Commercial Tax Tribunal, Kanpur Bench 1, Kanpur in Second Appeal No. 238 of 2006 (M/s Colgate Palmolive India Ltd. vs. Commissioner Trade Tax, Kanpur) for the assessment year 2004-2005 arising out of penalty proceedings initiated under Section 15-A(1)(o) of U.P. Trade Tax Act, 1948 (hereinafter referred to as “Act, 1948”).
The revisionist submits that the revisionist is a Public Limited Co.......