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GST Review July-2024

From the Incoming President

Mahesh Madkholkar
Dear Members, It gives me immense pleasure and pride in communicating with you all as the President of our Association which is having extremely strong base/ foundation for last 73 years. We as a Team of, Office Bearers, Managing Committee members, the Invitee Members and the Past Presidents, would like to take our Association to greater heights. The platform set by the Outgoing President Advocate Pravin Shinde is highly appreciated. The entire year wherein he has worked hard especially in bringing the amendments in the Constitution by adding new Student Member category. He also has ensured new Bar Coding Technology in ensuring that all members should get the delivery of GST-Review in timely manner and can be traced out. He also renovated Mazgaon office for Future President and Past Presidents and Managing Committee which gives the corporate look and facilities. The amendment in the Constitution of the GSTPAM which includes addition of students a.......