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GST Review November-2022


Shashank Dhond
TRIBUTE TO LATE SHRI. P. V. SURTE On 31st October, 2022 our Association has lost a very learned pillar of our Association. He was a storm when he was alive however, he died peacefully. This cannot happen unless all the blessings of the almighty. He was the great leader. He always led the Association whenever there were attacks on the rights of the professional brothers. For instance, there were draconian amendments in the Sales Tax Laws in the year 1992. He travelled to the nooks and corners of our State and motivated our members to rise and fight for the elimination of those draconian amendments. Finally, the Government had to bow down and withdrew the amendments. That time, he was unanimously made the President of the STP Association for the second term at the instance. He was a great lawyer. His each submission before the judiciary used to be specific and convincing. Not only the Tribunal but even the Hon’ble Bombay High Court used to take.......